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Consultations are by appointment only. A standard appointment is 15 minutes, long enough to discuss one major health issue and a minor concern as well.


Please book extra time if you have several points you wish to cover. A separate appointment is usually required if more than one family member needs to see the doctor.


For a baby’s six-week check, a general medical requested by your employer or insurance company, minor surgery, renewal of your driver’s licence, and diabetes checks, you may need to see a nurse as well as a doctor. There is generally an increased cost for extended consultations.

 Standard consultations

 (ACC, face to face, phone or video)

Children 0-13 years                                                                FREE

14-17 years                                                                                 $40.50

18-24 years                                                                                 $63.50

25-65+ years                                                                              $79.50

Nurse consultation                                                                 $50.00

Community Services Card holder consultation     $19.50



Children 0-13 years                                                                Free

Children 0-13 years urgent                                                $15.00

14+ years prescription                                                          $30.00

Urgent prescription                                                                $35.00

Community Services Card holder prescription      $19.50


Referrals and Correspondence

Referrals                                                                                        From $30

Correspondence (per five minutes)                               From $10


Fees may vary according to the type of service delivered, time taken, and other costs incurred. 


Other services

Driver’s Licence Medical                                                      $80.00

Punch Biopsy                                                                              From $250.00

Excision                                                                                          From $420.00


New Patient Consultations

Your first visit includes a standard consultation plus a nurse consultation.

We ask patients to pay in full on the day of consultation. Significantly overdue accounts may be referred to a debt collection agency for recovery of costs from you. You may also be charged for non-arrival at a booked appointment.


We accept cash and major credit cards (excluding American Express), which you can also use for telephone payments. Or you can pay online, using your name as a reference. Our account number is 12-3073-0108243-00.

If you have a query about our fees, please discuss this with your doctor or with Andrea, our Administrator. If financial difficulties are preventing you from accessing the general practice healthcare you need, please let us know so we can help with this.

Internet banking
Pay Via MyIndici (instant receipts)
Pay Online
Contact Us Today

Phone   09 521 1120


EDI         mssnbydr

Fax         09 521 1132


10 Marau Crescent               PO Box 55009

Mission Bay                               Eastridge

Auckland 1071                        Auckland 1146


Entrance to Marau Crescent is via Atkin Ave or Patteson Ave. 

Park on-site or in the street. Easy wheelchair access. Pharmacy nearby. Buses run regularly along Tamaki Drive.

Taxis can be ordered by our reception team.

©2023 by MJC Agency for Mission Bay Doctors. All Rights Reserved.

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